Dear Friends,
Our updates are tending towards safety more than security right now, especially as we are not meeting in person at 15 Newbury Street. Like our Emmanuel Church family and friends, we will continue to meet virtually for the coming many weeks. I have been attending the bi-weekly Boston Faith-Based Leaders calls – co-led by the Mayor Marty Walsh’s office and the community of Boston houses of worship. These are the recent guidelines that we received from the Mayor (based on the Governor’s plan for multi-phase re-opening).
Under the statewide plan: Places of worship are allowed to open starting May 25, at 40% capacity and with strict distancing practices and face coverings.
Boston’s approach: Places of worship must take a very cautious approach and are urged not to reopen if they have doubts about being able to plan, implement, and monitor strict safety guidelines.
The Statewide Safer at Home policy remains in place, which advises against people 65 and older leaving home unless absolutely necessary. The Mayor urged seniors to adhere to the advisory and hold off on going back to places of worship, even if services restart. He also asked faith leaders to reach out to their elderly parishioners, to guide them and support them in putting safety first and keep them connected in other ways.
The City has been getting questions about church choirs and hymns. The Mayor says they should not happen yet, given the added risk of virus transmission from singing in addition to speaking. Face coverings must be worn at all times.
We will continue to keep everyone up-to-date on the best possible ways for us both to stay safe and to stay in community.
Peace, Jill
[email protected]
Our updates are tending towards safety more than security right now, especially as we are not meeting in person at 15 Newbury Street. Like our Emmanuel Church family and friends, we will continue to meet virtually for the coming many weeks. I have been attending the bi-weekly Boston Faith-Based Leaders calls – co-led by the Mayor Marty Walsh’s office and the community of Boston houses of worship. These are the recent guidelines that we received from the Mayor (based on the Governor’s plan for multi-phase re-opening).
Under the statewide plan: Places of worship are allowed to open starting May 25, at 40% capacity and with strict distancing practices and face coverings.
Boston’s approach: Places of worship must take a very cautious approach and are urged not to reopen if they have doubts about being able to plan, implement, and monitor strict safety guidelines.
The Statewide Safer at Home policy remains in place, which advises against people 65 and older leaving home unless absolutely necessary. The Mayor urged seniors to adhere to the advisory and hold off on going back to places of worship, even if services restart. He also asked faith leaders to reach out to their elderly parishioners, to guide them and support them in putting safety first and keep them connected in other ways.
The City has been getting questions about church choirs and hymns. The Mayor says they should not happen yet, given the added risk of virus transmission from singing in addition to speaking. Face coverings must be worn at all times.
We will continue to keep everyone up-to-date on the best possible ways for us both to stay safe and to stay in community.
Peace, Jill
[email protected]